Tuesday, 6 November 2007


Finally I did it! I made my homebanking work at my Ubuntu workstation! Now no more starting up a virtuel OS just to check my money things.. Its great! Good bless linux <3

Monday, 5 November 2007


I know, I know. I havn't updated my blog for such a long time, but now i will be blogging again! Summer was a good periode. Now winter and mamamia, its so cold! I will be writing a lot of howto's and other stuff on my blog. So stay tuned!

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Connect to shared folders on a windows PC

I wrote this guide in Danish to begin with, so why not share it with all of your English-speaking guys out there!

sudo mount -t smbfs //LocalIP/ /media/share -o username=winusername,password=winpassword

*To be able to mount the device as a media device, you need to create the folder first:

sudo mkdir /media/share

To make it permanent:

Open a terminal and put the line above in
/etc/init.d/ - let's say we called the file shared. Now we just need one line and then finished:

sudo update-rc.d shared defaults

Then we need to make the script available:

sudo chmod +x shared

Your done! Now shared folders will apear on your desktop as local devices :)

Monday, 27 August 2007

No updates yet

To be honest I have not been able to keep my blog up to date - sadly enough! I will try to do better in the future.

Thursday, 23 August 2007

Hello world

Hey outthere!

This is kind of my first blog. I have been trying creating my own blog, but my php and mysql skills is not that great yet, so blogspot was a good alternative for me. This blog will mainly focus on linux related stuff, such as guides, tips and so on.

I hope you will enjoy your stay at my site :)